Regarding Scope Creep …
We have been diligently working on our second product. It is looking quite nice. However, we have succumbed to scope creep. In this instance we don’t think it is a bad thing. What crushes projects is never knowing when the requirements are finalized and how many more changes need to be made before it is considered “done”. This is not what happened to us.
When we first created POLARIS-EMF we had some very specific features we knew we needed to launch. There is a list of additional features stored for future releases. On that list are DC circuits and underground installations. Those same two items were on the list for our conductor selection optimization tool. The further into the project we went, the more we began to suspect that now is the time to move them into the “necessary” list.
The scope creep we are accepting now will later be a huge acceleration. POLARIS-EMF will be updated with the same functionality later and our next three planned projects also need DC circuits and underground installations. In short, scope creep can be a good thing if it is carefully considered and well reasoned.
In summary, you will need to wait a bit longer for our second product. In exchange you will get more features on launch and the groundwork is being laid for future work.