OPGW Thermal Rating Estimator
Calculates the short circuit kA2-sec rating of optical ground wire including heating from DC offset. Replace default input data, then click "Check Inputs and Compute". See disclaimer at end of page.
Input Data Default input data is just an example and can be overwritten.
Electrical Frequency (Hz)
Total Symmetrical Single Line-To-Ground Fault Current (kA rms)
Percent Total Fault Current in OPGW (0%-100%)
Reactance Over Resistance (X/R) Ratio
Fault Clearing Time of Primary Protection (seconds)
Number of High-Speed Reclose Attempts
Fault Clearing Time of Backup Protection (seconds)
Total Symmetrical Single Line-To-Ground Fault Current (kA rms)
Percent Total Fault Current in OPGW (0%-100%)
Reactance Over Resistance (X/R) Ratio
Fault Clearing Time of Primary Protection (seconds)
Number of High-Speed Reclose Attempts
Fault Clearing Time of Backup Protection (seconds)
Error/Warning Messages
Note: Calculations execute even if input errors/warnings are present, but results may be invalid.
kA Equivalent symmetrical current giving the same heating as the asymmetrical wave for primary clearing time
kA2-sec Primary protection successful without reclose
kA2-sec Primary protection successful after max reclose attempts
kA Equivalent symmetrical current giving same heating as asymmetrical wave for backup clearing time
kA2-sec Primary protection fails (backup clearing operates without reclose)
kA2-sec Primary protection successful without reclose
kA2-sec Primary protection successful after max reclose attempts
kA Equivalent symmetrical current giving same heating as asymmetrical wave for backup clearing time
kA2-sec Primary protection fails (backup clearing operates without reclose)
Single line-to-ground faults can inject significant current in overhead ground wires. Resistive losses then produce heating of the conductors. If temperature gets too high, aluminum can anneal and fiber optic strands or their cladding can be damaged. In the U.S., OPGW manufacturers typically publish fault current capacity in terms of a kA2-sec rating which is based on the energy that will raise conductor temperature from 40℃ to 210℃. A simple calculation of the required rating involves multiplying the square of the symmetrical short circuit current (rms) by the fault clearing time. However, some considerations which can complicate the calculation include:
- Power system faults often include DC offset (an asymmetrical fault component). The DC component introduces additional heating in the conductor. The severity of the offset depends on the fault X/R ratio and the point-on-wave initiation time of the fault. The above calculator assumes a fully offset waveform which decays at a rate based on the entered X/R ratio. To eliminate DC offset in the calculations set the X/R ratio to a very small number; however, the number must still be greater than zero (0.001 for example).
- Fault currents used in the calculation of OPGW thermal ratings should consider possible future increases. Using present-day fault currents could leave the OPGW vulnerable if future system build-out increases fault current levels.
- Normally, not all the fault current will return on a given OPGW. Some fault current will flow to ground through the tower or will flow on other shield wires if present. Users can enter the percentage of current flowing on the OPGW of interest. Detailed information regarding fault current split can be obtained using EMTP type programs such as PSCAD or the Alternative Transients Program (ATP).
- OPGW cables often provide a path for high-value communications. Consequently, it may be worth selecting a thermal rating that can withstand failure of primary protective relay systems. The above calculator include inputs and results for primary and backup clearing times.
- It can take minutes for OPGW to cool after a fault. If high speed reclosing is used, the OPGW could be exposed to multiple shots of fault current with negligible cooling between reclose attempts. The calculator includes an input for the number of automatic reclose attempts used for the transmission line. Per typical industry practice, auto reclosing is assumed to be disabled for failure of primary protection.
Iasymmetrical(t) = |Isymmetrical|{sin(ωt+θ-φ) - sin(θ-φ)e-αt} (1)
where ω is the frequency in rad/sec, α = ωR/X, θ is the closing angle, and -φ is the phase angle of the current with respect to the voltage. Maximum DC offset occurs when θ-φ = ± π/2.
[1] Larry L. Henriksen, Jon T. Leman, Brian H. Berkebile, “Fault Current Rating of Optical Ground Wires”, POWER Engineers, Inc., Line Conference – March 2008
[2] A. Greenwood, "Electrical Transients in Power Systems, 2nd ed.", John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1991.
This calculator and accompanying background information are provided "as-is" without warranty of any kind and. Electric Utility Design Tools, LLC does not warrant, guarantee, or make any representations regarding the use, results, or documentation in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, currentness, or otherwise. The entire risk as to the results of the OPGW Thermal Rating Estimator is assumed by the user.